FROM EDITOR | | PDF (Türkçe) | | PDF | |
Ziya Selçuk, Mehmet Palancı |
Education and Economic Growth: A Panel Cointegration Approach in OECD Countries (1980-2008) | | PDF (Türkçe) | | PDF | |
Fatih Yardımcıoğlu, Temel Gürdal, Mehmet Emin Altundemir |
Investigation of Turkish Nonword Repetition List for 3-9 Years Children | | PDF (Türkçe) | | PDF | |
Gözde Akoğlu, Funda Acarlar |
The Effect of Project Based Learning Method Supported by Prediction – Observation – Explanations on the Attitude and Behaviors Towards Environmental Problems | | PDF (Türkçe) | | PDF | |
Ezgi Güven |
The Relations Among General Intelligence, Metacognition and Text Learning Performance | | PDF (Türkçe) | | PDF | |
Seda Saraç, Alev Önder, Sema Karakelle |
The Relationship between Classroom Teachers’ Job Satisfaction and Organizational Collectivism and Individualism | | PDF (Türkçe) | | PDF | |
Yusuf Cerit |
A study of the Correlation between Primary School Students’ Reading Comprehension Performance and the Learning Styles Based on Memory Modeling | | PDF (Türkçe) | | PDF | |
Ergin Erginer |
Investigation of Relationship between the Skills to Solve Interpersonal Problems and Concept Development of Preschool Children | | PDF (Türkçe) | | PDF | |
Sibel Yoleri |
The Predictors of Elementary School Teacher’s Attitudes Towards | | PDF (Türkçe) | | PDF | |
Safiye Bilican Demir, Ömer Kutlu, Özen Yıldırım |
The Alternative Assessment-Evaluation Approaches Preferred by Pre-Service Teachers and Their Self-Efficacy towards these Approaches | | PDF (Türkçe) | | PDF | |
Fatma Şaşmaz Ören, Ümmühan Ormancı, Ertuğ Evrekli |
Effects of Psychodrama Practice on University Students’ Subjective Well-Being and Hopelessness | | PDF (Türkçe) | | PDF | |
Zeynep Karataş |
Democratic Values in the Parameters of Right, Freedom and Responsibility | | PDF (Türkçe) | | PDF | |
Feyyat Gökçe |
Development of Reading Literacy in South Korea from PISA 2000 to PISA 2009 | | PDF (Türkçe) | | PDF | |
B. Ümit Bozkurt |
The Relationship between Prospective Teachers’ Levels of Critical Thinking and Their Success in Academic Writing | | PDF (Türkçe) | | PDF | |
Nihat Bayat |
Perceived Social Support Levels of Elementary School Students | | PDF (Türkçe) | | PDF | |
İlker Cırık, Ayla Oktay, Seval Fer |
The Primary School Students’ Pattern Seeking Process In the Spreadsheet Environment | | PDF (Türkçe) | | PDF | |
Emel Özdemir Erdoğan, Pelin Turan |
Construction of Inclusion Relations of Quadrilaterals: Analysis of Pre-Service Elementary Mathematics Teachers’ Lesson Plans | | PDF (Türkçe) | | PDF | |
Elif Türnüklü |
A Study on the Peer Relationships, Social Support Perceptions and Perfectionism of Working and Non-Working Children according to Gender | | PDF (Türkçe) | | PDF | |
Güneş Salı, Aysel Köksal Akyol |
Examining the Attitudes of Students from State and Foundation Universities in Turkey towards the Computer and WWW (World Wide Web) | | PDF (Türkçe) | | PDF | |
Murat Yalman, M. Alper Tunga |
Determining the Technological Terms Awareness of Pre-Service Teachers | | PDF (Türkçe) | | PDF | |
Tuncay Özsevgeç, Demet Batman, Esra Yazar, Nevzat Yiğit |
Good Practice Principles in an Undergraduate Blended Course Design | | PDF (Türkçe) | | PDF | |
Aslıhan Kocaman Karoğlu, Ercan Kiraz, M. Yaşar Özden |
Investigating Predictive Role of 2x2 Achievement Goal Orientations on Math Attitudes with Structural Equation Modeling | | PDF (Türkçe) | | PDF | |
Ahmet Akın, Umran Akın |
The Roles of Academic Procrastination Tendency on the Relationships among Self Doubt, Self Esteem and Academic Achievement | | PDF (Türkçe) | | PDF | |
Erdinç Duru, Murat Balkıs |
Factors Influencing Pre-Service Early Childhood Teachers’ Outcome Expectancy Beliefs Regarding Science Teaching | | PDF (Türkçe) | | PDF | |
Refika Olgan, Zişan Güner Alpaslan, Ceren Öztekin |
Comparing the Low- and High-Performing Schools based on the TIMSS in the United States | | PDF (Türkçe) | | PDF | |
Eren Ceylan, Valarie Akerson |
School Burnout: Testing a Structural Equation Model Based on Percieved Social Support, Perfectionism and Stress Variables | | PDF (Türkçe) | | PDF | |
Zekeriya Çam, Kaan Zülfikar Deniz, Arzu Kurnaz |
Comparison of Methaphoric Perception of Teachers and Pre-service Teachers About Curriculum | | PDF (Türkçe) | | PDF | |
Necded Aykaç, Özkan Çelik |
The Relationship between Learning Styles and Leadership Orientations of Pre-Service Teachers | | PDF (Türkçe) | | PDF | |
Hasan Arslan, Barış Uslu |
A Study of the Prediction of Academic Achievement in the Chemistry Course | | PDF (Türkçe) | | PDF | |
Mehmet Yüksel, Ömer Geban |
The Effect Of Different Teaching Styles Used In Phsycial Education Courses On Academic Learning Time | | PDF (Türkçe) | | PDF | |
Süleyman Munusturlar, Nevzat Mirzeoğlu, A. Dilşad Mirzeoğlu |
The Evaluation of Students’ Academic Achievements in Adaptive Environments | | PDF (Türkçe) | | PDF | |
Meltem Eryılmaz, Nurettin Şimşek |
From Enneagram to Nine Types Temperament Model: A Proposal | | PDF (Türkçe) | | PDF | |
Enver Demirel Yılmaz, Ali Görkem Gençer, Özge Ünal, Ömer Aydemir |
The Problems of Novice Classroom Teachers having Regular and Alternative Certificates | | PDF (Türkçe) | | PDF | |
Pervin Oya Taneri, Ahmet Ok |
Tendencies of the Researches Published in Education and Science Journal: Content Analysis | | PDF (Türkçe) | | PDF | |
Ziya Selçuk, Mehmet Palancı, Mehmet Kandemir, Hakan Dündar |

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ISSN: 1300-1337