Structuring Individual Counseling Practicum Supervision: An Action Research

Gamze Ülker Tümlü, Esra Ceyhan


This study aims to structure individual counseling practicum (ICP) supervision, including the counseling and guidance of graduate students. In line with this aim, the supervision process is structured within the context of the Discrimination Model (DM), based on the action research method, and in accordance with group supervision stages. In the structuring of the process, a cycle of defining the focus area, collecting data, analyzing and interpreting the data, and developing an action plan is followed, based on the action research method. The data used is obtained from observations, interviews, validation committee meetings' reports, and the researcher's diaries. According to the study results, a supervision agreement, including the goals of supervision, the roles and responsibilities of supervisees, the activities to be considered in this process, and the evaluation process is established to structure the supervision process of the ICP. Furthermore, a 14-session group supervision process, including the beginning, transition, working, and termination stages in which the relevant agreement was put into practice, is designed. The study results indicate that the ICP supervision process could be structured in accordance with the DM and the stages of group supervision.


Individual Counseling Practicum, Supervision, Group Supervision, Discrimination Model, Counselor Education, Action Research


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