A Needs Analysis for Learners of Turkish as a Foreign Language

Canan Z. Karababa, Sedat Karagül


The purpose of this research is to determine the topics, learning styles, language skills, learning environments, materials, out-of-class activities and assessment methods that are needed by learners of Turkish as a foreign language in the language learning process. The research was conducted with 305 foreign learners who were attending a language centre in Ankara to learn Turkish. The research utilised the “Needs Analysis Questionnaire for Learners of Turkish as a Foreign Language” that was developed by the researchers, and which analysed seven dimensions of the learning process: “themes, learning styles, language skills, learning environments, materials, out-of-class activities and assessment”. The findings obtained through the questionnaire were calculated as frequencies and percentages. The findings of the research revealed that learners of Turkish as a foreign language are most interested in topics related to the Turkish culture, their own country and their work/job. It was also determined that the learners preferred audio-visual activities, watching videos or small group discussions in the language learning process. From the analysis of learner needs related to learning environments, it was seen that the learners preferred blended learning, but were adverse to a totally e-learning-based environment. For assessment, it was determined that the learners opposed self-assessment or peer assessment, but rather preferred to have the teacher assess their written/spoken work.


Teaching Turkish as a foreign language, needs analysis, learner-centred language education

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