Multigrade Schools Course Wıth Richness Practıces Based Activity Theory Effect on Pre-Service Student Teachers’ Self-Efficacy

Ramazan Sağ


This study aimed to determine the effect of practices provided according to the activity theory through course of Teaching in Multigrade Classes on pre-service student teachers’ levels of self-efficacy regarding teaching in multigrade classes comparing with another course practices. The data in this quasi-experimental study were collected through pre-test, group procedures, post-test research design. T-tests were used for the relational measures, and (r) statistic was used for effect sizes. The results of the study showed that the practices included in the two different programs contributed to increasing self-efficacy levels in student teachers to teach in multigrade classes at a significant level, and that the instructional curriculum which incorporates activities based on activity theory was found to have a higher effect on students’ self-efficacy levels compared to the other instructional curriculum.


Curriculum of teaching in multigrade classes, activity theory, self efficacy, school administration, curriculum literacy, instruction and evaluation

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