

Approval of Ethics Committee


In the social sciences, the Committee of Ethics is a committee that evaluates research proposals with the aim of  protecting human rights before, during and after the research, preventing them from harm, and obtaining informed consent.This committee provides an approval and document this approval as an official record by reviewing the methods of researches.

  • Approval of Ethics Committee should be submitted for all manuscripts.
  • For the manuscript that does not require the Approval of Ethics Committee, researchers should also submit the official document showing that they do not require this approval given by the Committee of Ethics.
  • Researchers who are not affiliated with any institution should apply to the Committee of Ethics of the universities in their provinces before the data collection process of their research.
  • For the manuscript derived from theses and dissertations, it is sufficient to submit the Approval of Ethics Committee received for the thesis or dissertations. A separate Approval of Ethics Committee document is not expected for these manuscripts.

*Institutional and individual research permissions obtained for the scope and the conduction of the research are not accepted as an approval of the Ethics Committee.

Posted: 2020-04-23 More...

Update on Publication Language Policy


The publication language policy of Education and Science is updated. Accordingly, the manuscripts can be submited in Turkish or English. 

The details of updated pulication language policy are available below and also in Guide For Authors.

Publication Language

Publication language of Education and Science is both English and Turkish. Manuscripts can be submitted in Turkish or English. The submitted manuscript should comply with the grammar rules and the related scientific literature.

After the acceptance of the manuscript, the final copy should be submitted in both languages. Submitted final copies are checked by the language editors (English and Turkish) of Education and Science. Language editors may request a proofreading in case of insufficiency. Proofreading should be made by one of the accredited language institutions proposed below. The author(s) are responsible for the submission of the muniment.

The companies where the author (s) can get support in the translation and proofreading process are presented below:

Posted: 2019-09-12 More...
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ISSN: 1300-1337