Preface to the Special Issue | | PDF (Türkçe) | |
Selda Yıldırım |
Test Theory: Some Basic Notions | | PDF | |
Norman Verhelst |
Gender Differential Item Functioning in Mathematics in Four International Jurisdictions | | PDF | |
Juliette Lyons-Thomas, Dallie (Debra) Sandilands, Kadriye Ercikan |
Comparability between the American and Turkish Versions of the TIMSS Mathematics Test Results | | PDF | |
Rubab G. Arım, Kadriye Ercikan |
Profile Analysis as a Generalized Differential Item Functioning Analysis Method | | PDF | |
Hüseyin Hüsnü Yıldırım, Selda Yıldırım, Norman Verhelst |
Findings from an Empirical Vertical Scaling Study with BILOG-MG | | PDF | |
Hüseyin Hüsnü Yıldırım |
Analyzing the School Performances in terms of LYS Successes through using Educational Data Mining Techniques: İstanbul Sample, 2011 | | PDF (Türkçe) | |
Ömer Bilen, Davut Hotaman, Öyküm Esra Aşkın, Ali Hakan Büyüklü |
Cross-Grade Comparison of Relationship between Students’ Engagement and TIMSS 2011 Science Achievement | | PDF | |
Nurcan Kahraman |
The Multilevel Effects of Student and Classroom Factors on the Science Achievement of Eighth Graders in Turkey | | PDF | |
Mehmet İkbal Yetişir |
Multilevel Effects of Teacher Characteristics on TIMSS 2011 Science Achievement | | PDF (Türkçe) | |
Hakan Yavuz Atar |
Examining Item Difficulties with respect to Science Teachers’ Backgrounds and their Views on Science Instruction | | PDF | |
Eren Ceylan |
The Effects of Student and School Factors on Mathematics Achievement in TIMSS 2011 | | PDF | |
Gözde Akyüz |
Student and School Characteristics' Relation to Turkish Achievement in Student Achievement Determination Exam | | PDF (Türkçe) | |
Meltem Acar Güvendir |

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ISSN: 1300-1337