Education and School Success of Children Aged Between Six and Twelve | | PDF (Türkçe) | |
Belka Özdoğan |
Using Different Research Techniques For The Same Question in Educational Science | | PDF (Türkçe) | |
Abbas Türnüklü |
Age and Sex Differences in the Motor Performance of 6 Through 11 Year Old Children | | PDF | |
Hülya Gökmen |
Factors Affecting Students’ Attitudes Towards Physics | | PDF | |
Aynur Özyürek, Ali Eryılmaz |
Students' Misconceptions About Respiration: A Cross-Age Study | | PDF | |
Zuhal Aşçı, Şule Özkan, Ceren Tekkaya |
Personal Visions of The Administrators in Elementary Schools for the 21st Century | | PDF | |
Şule Erçetin |
Collaborative Learning as an Interactive Learning Approach | | PDF | |
Nejla Seyrek, Ali Yılmaz |
The Role of Television in Sex Education | | PDF (Türkçe) | |
İsmihan Artan |
Levels of Self-Perception Concerning Problem-Solving Skills, Anger, Hope and Self-Esteem in Women Applying to a Refuge in Ankara | | PDF | |
Filiz Bilge, Aytaç Arslan, Şenyıl Doğan |
Teachers' Anticipation of Student Behaviour in Biology Laboratory Courses | | PDF (Türkçe) | |
Gülay Ekici |
Spelling Errors in The Writings of Upper Intermediate Foreign Learners of English: Theory and a Quantitative Analysis | | PDF | |
Margaret J-M Sönmez |

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ISSN: 1300-1337