Some Variables For Social Anxiety Prediction in College Students | | PDF (Türkçe) | |
Güzin Sübaşı | 3-15 |
E-Learning Journal: A Means For Learner Control Over The Language Learning Process | | PDF | |
Ayşe Yumuk Şengül | 16-27 |
Development of Planning and Reflaction From Thinking Skills in Early Childhood Period | | PDF (Türkçe) | |
H. Elif Dağlıoğlu, Figen Çakır | 28-35 |
Factors Related With Students’ Science Achievement: A Modeling Study | | PDF (Türkçe) | |
Eren Ceylan, Giray Berberoğlu | 36-48 |
The Effects of More Humanistic Approaches to Language Teaching and Hemispheric Dominance on Students’ Academic Achievements and Their Attitudes towards Learning English | | PDF | |
İzzettin Kök | 49-58 |
The Situation Of Academic Women in Turkey | | PDF | |
Özlem Özkanlı | 59-70 |
Change in Education and Teachers’ Perceptions of Change | | PDF (Türkçe) | |
Burhan Akpınar, Kamil Aydın | 71-80 |

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