Relationship between learners' Individual Learning Tasks and their Mental Skills and Decision Making Pace | | PDF (Türkçe) | |
Alper Başbay | 3-17 |
Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics Techers’ Approaches to Assessment Tools and Their Assessment Practices | | PDF (Türkçe) | |
Nergiz Nazlıçiçek, Füsun Akarsu | 18-29 |
Status of Ict in Schools of Teacher Education: Deans’ Views | | PDF (Türkçe) | |
Yüksel Göktaş, Zahide Yıldırım, Soner Yıldırım | 30-50 |
Levels of Self Awareness and Self Evaluation in Nursing and Midwifery Students and Its Relationship With Academic Success | | PDF (Türkçe) | |
Saba Yalçın, Sibel Erkal İlhan | 51-61 |
Japanese Lesson Study: Can it work in Turkey? | | PDF (Türkçe) | |
Ali Eraslan | 62-67 |
Relationship Between University Students’ Cheating Behaviours and their Perceptions of Teacher and Student Characteristics | | PDF (Türkçe) | |
Sevgi Özgüngör | 68-79 |
Analysis of Bank Street Approach (Developmental Interaction Approach) in Respect of Principles, Programmes and Educators | | PDF (Türkçe) | |
Pınar Bayhan, Saniye Bencik | 80-88 |
The Instructional Methods that Mathematics Teachers Use and Their Perceptions on the Discovery Approach | | PDF (Türkçe) | |
Yasemin Temizöz, S. Aslı Özgün Koca | 89-103 |
The Impact of Reflective Thinking Activities on Student Teachers’ Attitudes Toward Teaching Profession, Performance and Reflections | | PDF (Türkçe) | |
Şükran Tok | 104-117 |
Teachers’ and Students’ Perceptions of the Ideal Teacher | | PDF (Türkçe) | |
Sibel Telli, Perry den Brok, Jale Çakıroğlu | 118-129 |

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