Teacher Induction Policies and Practices in Two Different Contexts: A Comparative Study of Turkey and the USA (State of Wisconsin Sample) | | PDF (Türkçe) | | PDF | |
Serpil Tekir |
The Positive Contribution of School Adjustment Activities to the Transition of First Grade Students: A Case Study in Ankara | | PDF (Türkçe) | | PDF | |
Arif Özer, Tuncay Ergene, Selen Demirtaş Zorbaz, Dilek Gençtanırım Kurt, Cem Gençoğlu |
Comparison of Value Perception of Children in Playing Videogames and Traditional Games: Turkish and British Samples | | PDF (Türkçe) | | PDF | |
Eyüp Yılmaz, Selma Yel, Mark D. Griffiths |
Self-Reflection Processes of the Novice Middle School Mathematics Teachers | | PDF (Türkçe) | | PDF | |
Erhan Bozkurt, Pınar Yıldız, Ramazan Gürel, İffet Elif Yetkin Özdemir |
A Synthesis Study of National and International Graduate Theses on Writing for Learning in Science Education | | PDF (Türkçe) | | PDF | |
Kevser Arslan, Elif Benzer |
Predicting Geospatial Thinking Ability for Secondary School Students Based on the Decision Tree Algorithm in Mainland China | | PDF (Türkçe) | | PDF | |
Shumin Xie, Siying Zeng, Lu Liu, Huimin Wei, Yanhua Xu, Xiaoxu Lu |
Investigating the Effectiveness of Integrated Entrepreneurship Education | | PDF (Türkçe) | | PDF | |
Arzu Kirman Bilgin, Tufan İnaltekin |
An Evaluative Case Study on Investigating Preschool Teachers’ Views on Philosophy with Children | | PDF (Türkçe) | | PDF | |
Emine Deniz Koyuncu, Hasibe Özlen Demircan |
The Role of Gender, TPACK, School Support and Job Satisfaction in Predicting the Technostress Levels of Social Studies Teachers | | PDF (Türkçe) | | PDF | |
Erdi Erdoğan, Bülent Akbaba |
Social Studies Teachers' Views on the 7th Grade Social Studies Teacher Guidebook and its Removal: A Q Method Analysis | | PDF (Türkçe) | | PDF | |
Zafer Çakmak, İsmail Hakan Akgün, Turan Kaçar |
Children at Risk in the Preschool Period: Preschool Teachers’ Opinions | | PDF (Türkçe) | | PDF | |
Dilek Erol, Özge Savaş |
Examining Turkish Course Exam Questions in Terms of Originality, Page Layout, Item Type, Item Writing Criteria and Cognitive Level | | PDF (Türkçe) | | PDF | |
Pınar Kanık Uysal, Çiğdem Akın Arıkan, Tuba Acar Erdol, Emel Bayrak Özmutlu, Hayati Akyol |
The Effect of a Social Skills-Based Psychoeducation Programme on Primary School Students’ Social Skill Levels | | PDF (Türkçe) | | PDF | |
Zöhre Kaya, Ayşe Kaval |
Roma Mothers' Experiences with Their Children's Schools | | PDF (Türkçe) | | PDF | |
Aysel Ateş, Ali Ünal |
Teaching Subtraction with the Think-Aloud Method to a Student with Mild Intellectual Disability | | PDF (Türkçe) | | PDF | |
Ahu Uzun, Burçin Gökkurt Özdemir, Elmas Eliçe Çetinöz, Gülsün Şahan |

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