An Effectiveness of Thinking Training Program on Cognitive Styles of Children with Learning Difficulties

Zarife Seçer, Hakan Sarı


In this research, the effects of reflectivity traning program on impulsive cognitive style of children with learning difficulties are examined. The research methods included the two groups- experimental and control groups. In this research, the universe of this study is consisted of 180 children who are enrolled as third grade children in Ertuğrul Gazi Primary School in Konya Selcuklu Local Education Authority (LEA).The study group as experimental group (ten children) and control group (ten children) included twenty children as total. The training programme which was used in this research to increase reflectivity was developed by the researchers. As a research instrument, Matching Familiar Figures Test-20 was used to be able to collect the data. For the data analysis, ‘Mann-Withney-U Test’ and ‘Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test’ were used. As a result, a number of errors were decreased and the lenght of latency of experimental group of children were increased.


Learning Difficulties, Cognitive Style, Latency, Impulsive Children

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