The Effects of Anger Management Education on the Anger Management Skills of Adolescents

Nerguz Bulut Serin, Hicran Genç


The aim of this research was to determine the effects of anger management education on the anger management skills of adolescents. The study was a semi-experimental study based on the pretest posttest model with a control group. A total of 28 students participated in the study, with 14 in the experimental and 14 in the control group. “State Trait Anger Scale” was used as a means to gather data. “Anger Management Education” was given to the experimental group once a week for ten weeks. In the analysis of the data, the suitability of the data was determined with the one-sample Kolmogorov-Simirnov test. To determine the meaningfulness of the significance of the difference in benefit between the groups a t-test and “two-way ANOVA for Repeated Measurements” were used. As a result of the study it was determined that there was a statistically significant decrease in the continuous-anger, anger-inside, anger-outside and angercontrol levels and there was a significant increase in the anger-control level of the experimental group of students who joined the study.


Anger Management Education Program,Anger,Anger Management,Adolescent.

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