The Views of Participants about Using Creative Drama in Measurement and Evaluation Class

İlke Önal Çalışkan, Tülay Üstündağ


The aim of this study is to identify the effects of creative drama method on an Measurement and Evaluation course instruction which are important for applying curricula, provide concrete experience and identify participants views. Eighteen hour instructional process was prepared with creative drama method covering the topics in Measurement and Evaluation course which were then applied to 27 participants. Pre- and post-tests were applied to students for identfying theirprior knowledge andthis was appliedagain atthe endoftheprocess foridentfyingdifference between achievement levels before and after the process. Portfolio (Individual DevelopmentProduct Folder) was requested from participants for identfying behavior changes in cognitive & affective level. The result of creative drama has an effect of both cognitive and affective domains on course was found.


Measurement-Evaluation Course, Creative Drama, Written Examination, Individual Development-Product Folder (Portfolio)

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