The Effect of Productive Study Habits Training on Students' Academic Achievement, Academic Self-Concept and Study Habits

Güzin Subaşı


The goal of this research is to test the effectiveness of productive study habits training on students' academic achievement, academic self-concept and productive study habits. In this study, three groups were established. One of them was the control group; the other two treatment groups. Productive study habits were taught to both the first and the second treatment groups. The first treatment group was also subjected to feedback-correction procedure. Academic achievement test, academic self-concept and study habits inventories were administered to the treatment and control groups at the beginning and at the end of treatment. Although there was no significant difference between treatment groups and control group in terms of academic self-concept, there was a significant difference in favor of treatment groups in terms of academic achievement. Looking at productive study habits, no significant difference was found between treatment and control groups in terms of the "Beginning and Continuing to Study" domains. A significant difference was found in favor of treatment groups in terms of the "Studying Consciously and Using of the All Learned" domains. A significant difference was also found in favor of the first treatment group in terms of "Reading Habits and Techniques " domains.

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