Total Quality and Quality Schools from Past to Present and from Industry to Education

Hayal Köksal


Today, the watchword of successful businesses, organizations and even countries is “QUALITY”. Our understanding of Total Quality and its implications for education will depend upon an understanding of Total Quality Management’s (TQM) history and development in Japan and the United States of America. Deming encourages educators to create school environments in which strong relationships of mutual respect and trust replace fear, suspicion, and division, and in which leadership from administrators and policy makers empowers students and teachers to make continuous improvements in the work they do together. The development of everyone’s “yearning for learning” is all-important in schools of Quality; grades and other symbols of learning are far less significant. We, educators of Turkey should be the motivating force for the adoption of the notion of “Quality" into our educational system. Don’t you think that we are in need of it?

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