Children's Outdoor Games In Ankara

Müge Artar


This research is a follow up of a previous research on children’s outdoor games in cities which was done in the summer 1996. The purpose of the follow-up study is to show the change in games in time and also the seasonal differences as well. The data was gathered in October 1997 in three districts of Ankara representing different SESs by using "Children’s Outdoor Games Observation Form" and "Children’s Outdoor Games Interview Form". When the results of this study is compared with the results of previous one, it is seen that three is not a significant change in the number of observed games in school yards but the number of games observed in different SESs, has differed . The number of singing games which was observed most in school yards has decreased (41 to 21) and catching games has increased (10 to 38). This could be interpreted by the seasonal difference. In the streets in the second observation number of games had increased. This might be attributed to the fact that during the first observation it was hot and vacation time. In general in both of the studies in school yards many more games were observed than those observed in streets.

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