A Study of the Decision-Making and Problem-Solving Levels of the Administrator Candidates

Fulya Yüksel Şahin


The aim of this research was to investigate whether there were significant differences between the levels of decision making and problem solving skills of the administrator candidates whose communication skills were at different levels. The research was carried out on 109 candidate administrators who participated the in-service training seminar held between July 3-21, 2000. “Decision Making Style”, “Problem Solving Inventory Form- A” and “Communication Skills Evaluation Scale” were used to collect data. The collected data were analysed by using t-Test on independent groups, Kruskall Wallis Test and Games-Howell Test. The results of this research revealed that there were significant differences between the levels of decision making and problem solving skills of the administrator candidates whose communication skills were at different levels.


Decision making, problem solving and communication skills

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