Validity and Reliability Studies of the Learning Style Preferences Inventory (LSPI)

Altay Eren


The aim of this study is to develop a "Learning Style Preferences Inventory" (LSPI). It was developed considering Felder-Silverman’s, Swassing and Barbe’s learning style models and also Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligences. Thus, 120 items total were written for the "Auditory", "Visual", "Active" and "Reflective" dimensions, with 30 items for each. Afterwards, a trial scale was given with instuctions to 400 final year students studying Music (N=80), Painting (N=80), Business Administration (N=80), Physical Education (N=80) and Science Teaching (N=80). An item discrimination analysis showed that t statistics had significant values at the P<O.OOl level with 2,14 degrees of freedom. Internal consistency reliabilities were high enough (C. Alpha), measured for the whole experimental scale and also for each dimension.


Learning styles, Learning Style Preferences Inventory

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