Teachers’ Reactions Towards Misbehavior in the Classroom

Ahmet Çoban


The purpose of this research is to determine primary school teachers’ reactions towards student misbehavior in the classroom, and to evaluate and analyze these behaviors in terms of different dimensions. We observed the courses of 43 primary school teachers from four different schools. Our aim is to reveal the reactions of primary school teachers towards their students’ misbehavior in the classroom, and whether these reactions change regarding variables such as school, class, and course. Furthermore, we analyze teachers’ reactions in terms of their gender, alma mater, and seniority. Consequently, teachers’ reactions towards students’ misbehavior in the classroom differ by schools, classes, and courses; in addition, the teachers’ gender, alma mater, and seniority affect these reactions. Remarkably, the research reveals corporal punishment and insulting statements among some of the reactions.


Primary school teacher, Classroom, Misbehavior, Reaction

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15390/EB.2015.4520

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