An Investigation into Sociomathematical Norms in a Technology and Inquiry Based Classroom for Teaching Circle Properties

Didem Akyüz


This article aims to document the discovery of sociomathematical norms by prospective teachers in a technology and inquiry based classroom, and the role played by the instructor in this process. The findings are obtained from the dialogs between the prospective teachers and the researcher as well as from classroom communications observed during a 5-week long instructional period that was focused on teaching circle properties. After the transcription of these communications, the repeating patterns of explanations, interpretations, proofs, and argumentations are extracted which are then classified as sociomathematical norms based on the existing theoretical frameworks. Special emphasis was put on three norms that relate to using technology. These norms were (1) inquiring about the effects of a change made in a question or a solution; (2) reaching conclusions by using the properties of the tools in the dynamic software; and (3) dynamically verifying a solution or a hypothesis. It is hoped that the findings of this study can help other researchers, teachers, teacher candidates, and instructors that educate teacher candidates who desire to create inquiry based teaching and learning communities that have established sociomathematical norms.


Social norms, Sociomathematical norms, Inquiry-based education, Technology in mathematics education


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