School Attachment and Loneliness in Early Adolescents with Different Bully Status

Baki Duy, Mehmet Ali Yıldız


Previous studies indicated that bullying was quite pervasive among early adolescents and associated with some psychosocial correlates. Thus, the purpose of the present study was to investigate associations among different bully status (victim, bully, bully/victim and bystander), school attachment and loneliness among early adolescents. The sample of the study was comprised of 415 students (F= 214, M= 201) coming from three elementary schools representing different socio-economic groups in Diyarbakır city center. There were significant differences among students with different bully status in terms of school attachment and attachment to friends, but not attachment to teachers. Moreover, there was no significant difference among students with different bully status. Findings also suggest that gender is a significant variable in identifying bully status. Findings of the study were discussed with regard to current literature.


Bullying, School attachment, Loneliness, Early adolescence


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