Gender and Academic Careers in Portuguese and Turkish Higher Education Institutions

Maria Maria de Lourdes Machado Taylor, Özlem Altay Özkanlı


A major paradox has developed in higher education institutions. Although participation rate of female undergraduates has increased significantly, the participation of women in academia has not increased by the same proportion. Moreover, women experience several challenges. This research examines the participation of academic women in higher education (HE) in Portugal and Turkey. Education statistics for these countries show that women continue to lag behind men in academia specifically in science, mathematics, and engineering. Also, education stereotyping continues; with women relegated to so-called women’s disciplines and programs in engineering, physics, and the so-called hard sciences continue to be dominated by men. This paper examines the gender effect on academic career development and the main differences in male and female academic careers to determine the real impact of gender on the development of academic careers. 


Academic careers; higher education; segregation; inequality; women in academia

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