Educational Activity Discovery System for Individuals with Pervasive Developmental Disorders through Web Ontology Language (OWL)

Duygu Çelik, Atilla Elçi, Necati İnan, Eray Elverici, Alev Elçi


Today, experts and organizations dealing with pervasive developmental disorder are trying to minimize the experienced problems of the individuals with educational methods chosen carefully after extensive research. However, because of various reasons the relatives of the individuals who cannot reach these organizations are trying to give proper education at home. During these trainings while selecting the educational methods they prefer internet and related software. However, today’s static based internet and related software can be insufficient to supple desired result for the individual’s needs.

In this article, the architecture of Agent-based Educational Activity Discovery System which can operate on semantic base and propose educational methods for parents, pre-school educators, experts that are working for these institutions, university students studying in related fields or individuals interested in pervasive developmental disorder is presented. The ontology knowledgebase of this system is developed by using the OWL (Web Ontology Language) while creating its entire concepts, features, and relations between these concepts about pervasive developmental disorders are defined in ontology.


Pervasive Developmental Disorders, Autism, Rett Syndrome, Disintegrative Disorder of Childhood, Asperger’s Syndrome, Atypical Autism, Ontology, Semantic Web, Semantic Search Systems

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