Determination of Secondary School Students’ Misconceptions about the Electric Current Using a Three Tier Test, Concept Maps and Analogies

Işıl Aykutlu, Ahmet İlhan Şen


Qualitative research methodologies were used in this research to find the misconceptions of Concept Test with a three tier test, concept mapping activity sheet and electric-related conceptsanalogy sheet. A total of 97 students from three different secondary schools participated in thestudy. The research concluded that students had misconceptions about some concepts related tothe electric current such as current, resistance, potential difference, generator/ battery and simpleelectric circuit. The misconception that students have about electric current as “The current isstored in the generator/battery” was indicated through the Elektricity Concept Test, conceptmaps and analogies. In the light of this research study, it is suggested that in addition to concepttests, concept maps and analogies can be used in determining misconceptions.


Electric current, misconception, three tier test, concept map, analogy.

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