An Analysis on Human Rights in the Novels in 100 Basic Literary Works Recommended for High Schools

Yasemin Karaman Kepenekçi, Canan Aslan


One of the most efficient lessons in contributing human rights education is language and literature lessons. Students are exposed to selected works of Turkish and world literature in these courses. The aim of this study was to determine the extent of national novels of 100 Basic Literary Works list include human rights issues. The data was collected from all national novels (thirty novels) in that list. Content analysis method, qualitative research technique, was used. The analysis of the data was carried out by calculating frequency, percentage, intensity score (IS). Peace and right sub-categories are given most places, democracy and tolerance sub-categories are given least place in the novels. Human rights issues have emerged most in “Cemo”, “Kalpaklılar” and “Drina’da Son Gün”.


Human rights education, high school, 100 Basic Literary Work, novel

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