Assesment of Noise Level and Hearing Conservation in a School Community

Fatma Şeyda Özbıçakçı, Cantürk Çapık, Nihal Gördes, Fatma Ersin, Aygül Kıssal


School nurses are responsible for hearing conservation education programs due to its effects on students’ and teachers’ health and education quality. The design of this field study was planned as a descriptive method. The purpose of the study was assessment of noise exposure level in classroom and school corridor setting and promotes awareness about noise at the school community which located in İzmir. By evaluating the results of noise levels, students were given health education about sources and reducing of noise, in ten classes (n= 250). The measurement process was made by using a sonometer between lecture and break time. Before awareness education, noise levels were detected between min 80.75 dB, max 87.25 dB in corridors. Post education measurement noise level was 80.25 dB, 84.50 dB. Sound level is quite beyond normal levels. In addition to education being performed, it was observed that the participation of teachers and school managers was influential for awareness.


School health, school nursing, noise prevention, health education

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