The Effect of Multimodal Trainings on Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

Suna Kaymak Özmen


In this study, the effect of parent, teacher and attention training programs for daily problem behaviors of a child with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) was analyzed through parent and teacher evaluations. To achieve this purpose, single case study was employed. At the beginning of the study, baseline data were gathered both at home and in school. When the baseline data was decided to be decisive, parent training, teacher training and attention training programs were applied consecutively. While application of the training programs, data were collected frequently. According to the results of the study, daily problem behaviors of a child with ADHD changed positively after application of parent training at home and in school. The same positive effect was also continued during teacher and attention training programs. This change with big effect size was also recorded in the follow up measurement after seven months in school.


Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, ADHD, parent training, teacher training, attention training, single case study

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