A Comparative Study of Teacher Figures in 5 to 7 Year-Old Children’s Drawings

Elif Hacer Dağlıoğlu


This study aims to analyze how the teacher is represented in children’s drawings by focusing on the differences caused by age and gender of the children. The study is carried out by using Koppitz’s system of indicators of emotionality in human figure drawings. From the age group of 5 to7 year olds, 40 girls and 40 boys were chosen from each age in years to make up 240 children in total for the study group. The children were then asked to “draw a teacher figure”. As a result of the study, itwas found that there are significant differences between the age groups and impulsivity, insecurity-inadequacy and emotional indicators in grand total, and that this difference is caused by the significant drop in scores from five to seven years of age.


Early childhood, human figure drawing, emotional indicators, teacher, teacherchild interaction

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